Facing UIF Registration in SRD Grants: Tips and Solutions for Applicants

If your COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant application shows “UIF Registered,” it might seem puzzling. But no need to stress – you can fix this status if there’s an error.

If SASSA says you’re UIF Registered, it means they think you’re signed up for UIF benefits. But, because of this, you can’t get the R350 SRD grant as well.

If you’re not getting UIF payments, you can appeal the decision to make sure you get the grant. Check out this guide to know what “UIF Registered” means and how to fix the issue.

What is UIF?

UIF means “Unemployment Insurance Fund”. It’s a fund run by the Department of Labour to help workers who lose their jobs. They get short-term financial help through UIF benefits.

When you Submit application for the SRD grant, SASSA Checks to see if you’re signed up as a UIF contributor using your ID number, tax number, bank details, and more.

If the system sees that you’re listed as UIF registered, your request for SRD will be rejected automatically. If you’re signed up for UIF, it shows that you have a job, and that means you can’t get the unemployment SRD grant.

Your SRD application might be marked as UIF Registered for two main reasons.

1. You get money from UIF. Getting this money means you can’t get the SRD grant anymore.

2. You signed up for UIF, but you’re not getting the benefits because SASSA made a mistake while checking and marked you as a UIF recipient.

If the information about your situation isn’t wrong, SASSA will reject your SRD grant because they think you might be eligible for UIF.

If you have registered with UIF but are not getting paid, appeal.

1. Collect evidence– bank statements, UIF letters, payslips etc to show that no UIF funds were         received.

2. File an appeal online – at srd.dsd.gov.za within 30 days if your application is denied.

3. I don’t get UIF – and I can show you papers that prove it.

4. Check in every 2 weeks – phone call or visit in person to see how things are going until we   know the result.

If you didn’t get your UIF payment proof, SASSA can fix the mistake and still say yes to your SRD request.

Once you’ve requested a change in your UIF Registered status, make sure to follow these steps.

1. Sign in and regularly review your status on the _ SASSA SRD Portal.

2. Submit the papers they ask for – it helps SASSA check and review your information again.

3. Check back if it’s not resolved in 6 weeks  – appeal again if necessary.

4. Let SASSA know when you begin getting UIF payments – or find a job.

You must follow up well on an inaccurate UIF registration status. This can get it changed to approved.

If you keep asking SASSA to fix the UIF mistake and they approve your grant, make sure to…

1. Share your bank information so you can begin getting paid.

2. Apply again promptly once the SRD grant period ends in three months.

3. Follow all the rules and conditions set by SASSA for the SRD grant.

If they mistakenly say you’re registered for UIF, you might not get the SRD grant you need. But if you keep showing proof and asking, they can fix it. Then you can get the money you deserve when you really need it.

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